Today, Keen IO is happy to announce general availability for a new event collection endpoint.
It’s called HTTP POSTAL.

Sending events to Keen IO no longer requires a computer. Or electricity. Just write your events on a postcard, add a stamp, and drop them into the nearest mailbox.

Don’t have a postcard? We’ll take anything you can write on, including:
- Scrolls of Parchment
- Cocktail napkins
- Basketballs

Since the beta launch of HTTP POSTAL, we’ve received literally thousands of events:

Each event is reviewed by a trained POSTAL worker. Events are checked for syntax (double quotes please!) then painstakingly keyed into our database.
If you provided a return address, expect a confirmation of your event within 4–6 weeks.

Due to the recent popularity of unicorn foals not every response will contain a unicorn foal sticker.
Support for queries coming soon.