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Thanks for Sharing

The latest iteration of Open Source Show & Tell is now officially a rap. Thanks to everyone who came out to show, tell, learn, helicopter high-five (more about that later), and hang out.

We had a great time and learned a bunch from all of our awesome presenters. One of the ways we know we messed up a bit was by signing up too many community presentations, which meant that not everyone who prepared something had an opportunity to present. We’ll make sure not do that next time, but if there are any other suggestions you have to make the event better please don’t hesitate to send them over via a pull request.

If you didn’t get a chance to attend we will be posting videos of the talks shortly (including the helicopter high-five) so stay tuned. In the mean time, if you’re interested in having an Open Source Show & Tell in your city check out this playbook. Were happy to share our experiences, help you get the ball rolling, and make it a reality.

Thank you to our awesome presenters!

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