Hi! Dan here. Just wanted to post a quick note. A little while ago, Kirk wrote about how most of our team was headed off to Burning Man while he was starting his move from Seattle to San Francisco (to be closer to Keen HQ). It’s been a few weeks, and now we’re all back and settled into San Francisco. It’s been really great to be completely focused on Keen. And maybe even better to have Kirk living in San Francisco. We’ve been working on getting him to move out here for over six years. Turns out all we had to do was start a company, give him a job, and then pay all his moving expenses (shameless plug: we reimburse moving expenses!).
Anyways, we’ve really been cranking on product. In fact, we’re getting so much done that I expect to have a big announcement to share soon. We’re not quite ready yet, though.
To make it up to you, I wanted to share a couple photos from our trip to Burning Man this year. It was my first time, and I’ve never experienced anything like it. It was really wonderful, in the very truest sense of the word. If you’re not sure you should go, let me just tell you that I had serious doubts about whether or not I’d enjoy it. I’m not exactly what you’d call the outdoorsy type. I didn’t even own a sleeping bag.
None of that mattered. I didn’t even miss showering for a week. There were too many incredible things to see and do.
In any case, enjoy the pictures and stay tuned.
A lovely light tunnel.
Ryan, Micah, and another campmate (hi, Eddie!) — think they’re having fun?
A view of Black Rock City (where Burning Man takes place) from afar. I miss those huge lasers.
Kyle, his brother (hi Jevon!), and me walking through the city.
The sea of art cars circled around the Man.
The incredible half-sunken pirate ship and pier near our neighborhood.
One of many art cars cruising around the outskirts of the city.
The fireworks show when the Man burned was easily the best I’ve ever seen.
Our wonderful camping crew! Can you spot Micah, Kyle, Michelle, Ryan, and me?
Just setting the Man on fire isn’t enough — they also set off gas bombs. 🙂
This is Kyle’s Blue Steel face. I’m happy because I’m watching a dancing robotic octopus shoot flames into the sky.
When the Man Burn was at its hottest, it started shooting off these amazing dust/fire tornados. This kind of thing is why you should go.
Celebrating a successful Burn on top of our trusty truck.
The view from the top of our truck. A *giant* smoke ring floats across the city.
Firefighters look on as the Man burns out.
Can you tell we had a good time? 🙂