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Keen IO is proud to partner with Rainforest QA and Segment to support the open source community by putting together the next SF Open Source Show and Tell. “What is Open Source Show and Tell?” you may ask. Well, I’m glad you did!

TL;DR: Open Source Show and Tell is a series of events for anyone and everyone interested in open source projects. They are inclusive events that are all about sharing, learning, and getting involved in open source projects (“OSS”).

We will be featuring a presentation by Beth from Microsoft about their experiences open sourcing the .NET platform.

Click here to sign up and join us

Want to talk about your project? 😀 You can submit talks by posting a Github Issue™

In the past we’ve had many indie developers present their own projects. A couple notable ones are:

  • Alan Schreve on ngrok
  • Alex Gaynor on organizing the python community and doing proper code reviews in a distributed collaborative (and hopefully friendly) environment.

We have also had presentations about internal OSS projects from a wide variety of companies including Google, Airbnb, Uber, Rackspace, Plivo, Balanced, Keen IO, Twitter, and others.

Hope to see you at Open Source Show and Tell on April 24th!

PS. If you’re interested in organizing a #OSSAT in your city here’s a playbookfor more information. It’s open source, so pull requests welcome 😉